UniBot Pro Script Runtime - v1.2.19

This is the documentation for the API available to scripts in UniBot Pro.



Scripts get loaded from C:\Program Files\UniBot Pro\scripts if installed using the default installation path.


Simple Hello World script example

This example uses the "player-changed" event to react on a new current player and output a greeting message to log.

const { UniCore } = require("UniCore");

UniCore.On("player-changed", (currentPlayer) => {
UniCore.Log(`Hello ${currentPlayer.get("name")}`)

Simple keypress on interval example

This example uses the "tick" event to run on every UniBot tick and remembers the last time it did something using the time helper functions UniCore provides.

const { UniCore } = require("UniCore");

let lastMessageOutputAt = UniCore.GetMicrotime();

UniCore.On("tick", () => {
const currentPlayer = UniCore.GetCurrentPlayer();
if (UniCore.TimeSinceInSeconds(lastMessageOutputAt) > 5) {
UniCore.Log(`Hello ${currentPlayer.get("name")}`)
lastMessageOutputAt = UniCore.GetMicrotime();

Simple autofooder example

This example uses the "player-changed" event to react on a new current player on which it will then register on the "hp-changed" event to press 1 if hp got lower than 1000.

const { UniCore } = require("UniCore");
const { UniInput } = require("UniInput");

UniCore.On("player-changed", (currentPlayer) => {
currentPlayer.on("hp-changed", (currentHP) => {
if (currentHP < 1000) {

Simple navigation example

This example shows how to use UniNavigation to navigate towards a location if too far away.

const { UniCore } = require("UniCore");
const { UniNavigation } = require("UniNavigation");

let targetPosition = { x: 8500, z: 2050 }

UniCore.On("tick", () => {
if (UniNavigation.IsNavigating()) {
//Do not do any clicks on mobs or on ground while navigating!
//Clicking ui elements and triggering hotkeys is fine tho.

//in this example we just do nothing if we are currently navigating;

let currentPlayer = UniCore.GetCurrentPlayer();

if (currentPlayer.GetDistanceTo(targetPosition) > 40) {
//Start navigating to targetpos if we are over 40 units away
UniNavigation.NavigateTo(targetPosition, false, () => false);

Simple chat log example

This example shows how to use UniCore.On to listen to chat messages.

//Import UniCore to access scripting api
const { UniCore } = require("UniCore");

//Register an event listener that will get triggered for every general chat message
UniCore.On("chat-message", (message, senderID) => {
//In the case of general chat we only know the id of the sender, lets try to fetch this Mover
let matchingEntity = UniCore.GetMoverByProperty("targetID", senderID);

if (matchingEntity) {
//We found the mover so we can directly use the name of it
UniCore.Log(`Normal Chat message "${message}" from "${matchingEntity.get("name")}"`);
} else {
//We did not find the mover so we only have the senderid
UniCore.Log(`Normal Chat message "${message}" from target id "${senderID}"`);

//Register an event listener that will get triggered for every received say message
UniCore.On("chat-say-message", (message, sender) => {
UniCore.Log(`say Chat message "${message}" from "${sender}"`);

//Register an event listener that will get triggered for every received shout message
UniCore.On("chat-shout-message", (message, sender) => {
UniCore.Log(`shout Chat message "${message}" from "${sender}"`);

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